Limited space is available and registration will be based on a first come first serve basis, so please reserve your all-in-one learning vacation now. If you have any questions prior to payment, please go to the contact us page and fill out the form, we'll get back to you shortly.

DC Eddy Road Show July 13-14, Jones Point Park, Arlington, VA
Get your skate mojo rising! Get two full days of motivational instruction from inline legend Eddy Matzger. The Roadshow is the classic survey course on inline skating from A to Z with personalized training for every level of skater. Hosted by Carol Patch (cpatch at,

Personalized Custom Critique Video
Get a permanent record of your Skate Farm experience with an individually crafted video critique. Eddy will position you side by side, overlaid, and in a virtual paceline with himself while offering comments about your skating with a voice-over, as well as provide explanatory graphics. A digital souvenir for the ages! Duration: approximately 10 minutes.