Coming to the skate farm will improve your confidence and get you ready for anything! Whether you want to prepare for success at an upcoming event, learn to climb hills and control speed on the descents, or just want to burn more energy than you ever imagined, then the SkateFarm is for you!
What Will We Do?

After waking up and eating a hearty breakfast, Eddy will load you up and move you out by 9:30 am. Most technique sessions in the morning require a short drive to the skating location. Eddy sometimes prepares lunch at the Skate Farm, though usually we elect to eat in town. After some down time for digestion, road skates begin either in town, from the SkateFarm itself, or require a short portage by car to the skate du jour.
Where Will We Skate?
Floyd county offers a veritable pot-pourri of places to skate. Learn technique in the Topeca Church parking lot. Scream yourself hoarse on rollercoaster hill and set a new speed record. Learn control by slaloming downhill safely in the controlled environment of the Commerce Park. Fry legs and lungs climbing up to the Chateau Morissette Winery (and reward yourself with a tasting). Hawk the line on Long Level Road or perfect crossovers at the Burial Grounds in town.
Although some of our practice areas have no cars, much of the skating is on country roads with occasional vehicular traffic, so caution, discretion, and courtesy at all times is will be necessary.
Although some of our practice areas have no cars, much of the skating is on country roads with occasional vehicular traffic, so caution, discretion, and courtesy at all times is will be necessary.